
Roentgen X-rays

Roentgen atau Röntgen adalah unit pengukuran dari pajanan sinar X (X-rays) dan sinar gamma.

Jenis-Jenis Radio Diagnostik
  • Postero-Anterior
  • Antero-Posterior
  • Lateral
  • Towne (AP axial)
  • Caldwell (PA axial)
  • Waters (occipitomental)
  • Reverse waters (acanthioparietal)
  • Titterington (occipitomental 30º)
  • Submentovertex (SMV) view
  • Postero-Anterior
  • Lateral
  • AP erect
  • Supine
  • Lateral Decubitus
  • Expiration
  • Lordotic
  • Right anterior oblique (RAO)/left anterior oblique (LAO)
  • Ribs AP
  • Ribs PA
  • Sternum Lateral
  • Sternum Oblique
  • Antero-Posterior Supine
  • Postero-Anterior Erect
  • Lateral Decubitus (alternatif PA erect untuk menilai adanya udara bebas dalam cavum abdomen)
  • Lateral (identifikasi letak benda asing)
  • PA Prone
    Dorsal Decubitus 
  • Oblique
Ekstremitas Atas / Upper Limb; Shoulder gridle; Bahu
  • Scapula AP
  • Scapula Lateral
  • Scapula Coracoid 
  • Shoulder Joint AP
  • Shoulder internal rotation
  • Shoulder external rotation
  • Shoulder superoinferior axial
  • Shoulder inferosuperior axial
  • Shoulder modified trauma axial
  • Shoulder supine lateral
  • Shoulder modified supine lateral
  • Shoulder Y lateral
  • Shoulder AP glenoid
  • Shoulder apical oblique (Garth view)
  • Shoulder Humerus (neck) AP 
  • Shoulder Humerus axial (bicipital groove); (Fisk view)
  • Shoulder Outlet view (Neer view)
  • Shoulder Stryker notch
  • Acromioclavicular Joint AP
  • Acromioclavicular Joint Arm Abducted
  • Acromioclavicular Joint AP Weight Bearing
  • Clavicula AP
  • Clavicula Axial
  • Clavicula Oblique
  • Sternoclavicular Joint PA
  • Sternoclavicular Joint Oblique
  • Sternoclavicular Joint Serendipity
  • Sternoclavicular Joint Lateral Sternal
Ekstremitas Atas / Upper Limb; Arm and Forearm; Lengan Atas dan Lengan Bawah
  • Humerus AP
  • Humerus Lateral
  • Elbow Joint AP
  • Elbow Joint Lateral
  • Elbow Joint Supracondylar
  • Elbow Joint Acute Flexion
  • Elbow Joint Inferosuperior
  • Elbow Joint Coyle's
  • Elbow Joint External oblique
  • Elbow Joint Medial oblique
  • Forearm / Antebrachii AP
  • Forearm / Antebrachii Lateral 
Ekstremitas Atas / Upper Limb; Wrist and Hand; Pergelangan Tangan dan Tangan

  • Wrist Joint PA
  • Wrist Joint Lateral 
  • Wrist Joint Horizontal beam lateral
  • Wrist Joint Oblique 
  • Wrist Joint Carpal tunnel
  • Wrist Joint Trapezium 
  • Wrist Joint Pisiform 
  • Wrist Joint PA radial deviation 
  • Wrist Joint carpal bridge
  • Scaphoid PA
  • Scaphoid PA axial
  • Scaphoid Oblique
  • Scaphoid Lateral
  • Manus PA
  • Manus DP Oblique
  • Manus Lateral
  • Manus Ball-Catcher (Norgaard)
  • Thumb AP/PA
  • Thumb Lateral
  • Thumb Oblique
  • Fingers PA
  • Fingers Lateral
  • Fingers Oblique
  • Rheumatology Both Hands PA 
  • Bone Age
Ekstremitas Bawah / Lower Limb; Pelvic Gridle; Pelvis
  • Pelvis / Pelvic AP
  • Pelvis / Pelvic Frog Leg
  • Pelvis / Pelvic Outlet
  • Pelvis / Pelvic Inlet
  • Pelvis / Pelvic Oblique acetabular (Judet view)
  • Pelvis / Pelvic flamingo
  • Hip Joint / Coxae AP
  • Hip Joint / Coxae Lateral
  • Hip Joint / Coxae horizontal beam lateral
  • Hip Joint / Coxae clements-nakayama
  • Hip Joint / Coxae frog leg
  • Hip Joint / Coxae Dunn
  • Hip Joint / Coxae Von Rosen
  • Sacroiliac Joint AP
  • Sacroiliac Joint PA
  • Sacroiliac Joint PA oblique
  • Sacroiliac Joint AP oblique
  • Sacroiliac Joint AP
Ekstremitas Bawah / Lower Limb; Thigh and Leg; Femur dan Cruris
  • Femur AP
  • Femur lateral
  • Genue / Knee Joint AP
  • Genue / Knee Joint Oblique
  • Genue / Knee Joint Lateral
  • Genue / Knee Joint horizontal beam lateral
  • Genue / Knee Joint AP weight-bearing
  • Genue / Knee Joint intercondylar
  • Genue / Knee Joint Rosenberg
  • Genue / Knee Joint skyline Laurine
  • Genue / Knee Joint skyline Merchant
  • Cruris / tibia-fibula AP
  • Cruris / tibia-fibula lateral
Ekstremitas Bawah / Lower Limb; Ankle and Foot; Ankle Joint dan Pedis
  • Ankle Joint AP
  • Ankle Joint AP mortise
  • Ankle Joint lateral
  • Ankle Joint horizontal beam lateral
  • Ankle Joint AP stress
  • Pedis AP
  • Pedis oblique
  • Pedis lateral
  • Pedis weight-bearing
  • Calcaneus axial
  • Calcaneus lateral
  • Toes AP
  • Toes oblique
  • Toes lateral
  • Toes sesamoid

  • Panoramic, 
  • Dental, 
  • Dacriocystography, 
  • Sialography, 
  • Oesophagus, 
  • Maagduodenography, 
  • Upper Gastrointestinal (Upper GI), 
  • Cholangiography, 
  • Followtrough, 
  • Colon In Loop, 
  • Colon In Loop Water Soluble, 
  • Appendicogram, 
  • IVP Foto, 
  • APG (Antegrade Pyelography), 
  • Cystourethrography, 
  • Cystography, 
  • Urethrography, 
  • Urethrocystography, 
  • Fistulography, 
  • HSG, 
  • Lopografi, 
  • Bone Densitometri Spine – Hip, 
  • Bone Densitometry Spine – Forearm, 
  • Bone Densitometry Hip – Forearm, 
  • Bone Densitometry Spine/Hip/Fore Arm, 
  • Bone Densitometry Spine Lat – Hi

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